
Showing posts from December, 2017

My Very Relevant, Very Cliche New Years Resolutions

Everyone makes them at some point in their life; be it giving up smoking, going to the gym, or even going vegan. For a specific amount of time at the beginning of each calendar year a vast majority of people in developed, capitalist society will base most if not all their decisions on the one resolution they really mean to keep. “This is the year.” they say, “I never really wanted to do this before but now I’m ready.” And for that specific amount of time we support one another, encourage and truly believe in the resolutions made when we’re three bottles of wine down and the fireworks have just stopped. Gradually, of course, reality kicks in that the gym is just too much of a hassle to get to, that the stop smoking gum doesn't work, and giving up meat turns out to be a lot harder when they just opened that new steak house in town. For most people, and most resolutions, the promises we make for the year ahead get lost in the bad Monday’s and the boozy Saturday’s…followed by many a