
Showing posts from 2016

All Things Parisian

So, for my birthday last month I got a book I've been coveting a while and never actually being able to get my hands on. How to be Parisian, wherever you are is a much admired, greatly intriguing handbook on just what it says: how to be a Parisian. Holding cooking secrets, skin  savvy ideas and a multitude of suggestions to live and love by.

The Holiday Report

Another year ended, another holiday season passes and once again we're all left a little chubbier, a little dazed and for the most part hungover. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Actually, it's rather a nostalgic, satisfied feeling. My head may have pounded and New Years Eve returns to us all in disjointed flashbacks, the sight of another sprout ignites a hatred and chocolates are flowing from every cupboard; but that's what the holiday season is, it is once a year when time seems irrelevant, TV becomes the favourite member of the family and that little muffin top forming is truly welcome (as long as it disappears by January 20th right?) This year particularly I have felt the festivities more than ever before. Perhaps as the years go by I become more active in the holiday events, maybe it's the people I'm with or the fact that Prosecco has never been such a prominent part of December; but the holiday season of 2015 has been great. And here's m