The Holiday Report

Another year ended, another holiday season passes and once again we're all left a little chubbier, a little dazed and for the most part hungover. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Actually, it's rather a nostalgic, satisfied feeling. My head may have pounded and New Years Eve returns to us all in disjointed flashbacks, the sight of another sprout ignites a hatred and chocolates are flowing from every cupboard; but that's what the holiday season is, it is once a year when time seems irrelevant, TV becomes the favourite member of the family and that little muffin top forming is truly welcome (as long as it disappears by January 20th right?)

This year particularly I have felt the festivities more than ever before. Perhaps as the years go by I become more active in the holiday events, maybe it's the people I'm with or the fact that Prosecco has never been such a prominent part of December; but the holiday season of 2015 has been great. And here's my highlights, survival tips to live by from now on and throwbacks to holidays gone by.

Everyone eats too much food. It's the cardinal rule of Christmas right? Pigs in blankets till you start dreaming about bacon, sprouts in the bucket load, turkey while wondering who the hell even likes turkey? It's tradition. And breaking tradition would be a futile resistance, a pointless attempt at originality. But tradition isn't always easy when you've been on that low carb, juice diet for three months, difficult to climb back to that gym routine when you've gotten used to lifting mince pies not dumbbells. So here's a tip from me, a foodie survival, ensuring you can eat as much as you want and be back to the beach bod that probably won't even go to the beach. Vary, vary like one day its a marathon eating competition and the next the only thing left in the world is fruit. Doesn't seem healthy, probably isn't, but you've already eaten 12 mince pies this week so I'm guessing healthy isn't an issue. My advice is eat, eat till you have to unbutton your jeans, but don't monopolise your cravings. Fruit doesn't disappear because its below freezing, you don't have to have smoked salmon for breakfast everyday (and, just between you and I, sometimes a bottle of Pinto for dinner isn't the worst thing you could do).

Food forward thinking aside this holiday season has brought new loves and old flames reignited. And no, I don't mean men. I mean Prosecco and disposable cameras. Now while I am firmly a white wine girl, I like my wine strong and my glass full, something about the festive feeling lets bubbly fruitiness of Prosecco to my attention and into my heart. Drink it alone, add some lemonade, orange juice, drink it with or without food. Any way you put it I've done it this year. And I haven't regretted a second of it. In fact my favourite present this Christmas was the bottle I was gifted by my boss...the cash bonus could have contributed to that also. And then there's the one that got away, and my oh my did it come back. Disposable cameras, getting the film developed, that quick snap, all of it is romanticised in my eyes. Strange, I will admit, why waste money on this low quality film when you have a perfectly good Canon blah-blah-blah? The answer is pretty logical to me, I am the clumsiest person I know, I will drop anything, everything, technology breaks when I look at it. So a camera thats pretty invincible and cheap enough to fling into the river proposes everything I need.

All in all my holiday season has been a star, a tree topping, gold glitter star. I've spent it with the people who mean the most to me, I've indulged without guilt, spent with no restraint and partied like, it's always New Years Eve (coincidently, NYE was the most sober I've been recently). While the cliche of New Year New Me is out the window, not a chance, I'm happy as I am, and I'm spending my time as I want. 2016 can bring on every wild night out, every over-facing meal imaginable, I'm going to enjoy it all, and I won't feel bad about any of it.  


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