Big Changes, Small Changes

So, I'm back. It's been a year, I know, a busy long and chaotic year. In the time that I have been MIA a lot of things in my life have changed and I myself have changed. Well I mean firstly I only fricking moved to EDINBURGH...SCOTLAND...
Before that though, I had the most exceptional summer of my life, but I'll come onto that later on.
Yes, leaving Yorkshire was one of the hardest things I will ever have to do.
But there's a very reasonable excuse for this move, I got into university, after hours of hard revision and days of stagnant anticipation over summer. Therefore for the past three months I have been settling into the student life, acclimatising to Scottish weather and learning I am not the best at making friends.
Small Changes have also happened: I got new glasses, new job, a giant champagne glass is in my possession , you probably know these sort of changes.
Here it is then, my returning notice. Look forward to loads of things coming in the next few months, if my attitude has anything to do with it 2017 will be greater than last year!

Love, Wee Gee xo


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