Temperamental Travelling

Perhaps a little update may be in order...in case maybe anyone thought I disappeared. Which I didn't. This week has been hectic, these next two weeks will be extraordinary, today will be tiring.

To clarify my cryptic beginning, I have not been home and will not be at home in the next fifteen days. It's holiday time, but unfortunately this year wifi and relaxation are not priority...yes, I know, hold the shock.

Basically, this week has been open day central, Oxford as the main event, here comes the collegiate system and 18th century architecture. However, in all honesty it has been an exhilarating and frightening yet exciting two days. Also a hot and sweaty and certainly not built for walking two days.

That leads me onto today, where I am preparing to depart Yorkshire for the exotic and wild Heathrow Airport...wait no, wrong one, I'm departing England for the exotic and wild India, all alone. ALL ALONE! (Do I seem nervous yet? No, oh I will.)

That's pretty much my excuse though, I am absent not due to laziness or work or college. They would be pretty redundant excuses.
So the Colour Code update that's due this week...that will be postponed, but don't feel blue about it, till you see it of course.
And the book review that's due in a week; I'd allow an additional week on top.

But there's no fear, Feline Chic won't fade into the limbo while I'm away. There will be updates, many updates. Foodie updates...because Indian food just deserves to be shared. Tourist updates (yes, I am a complete tourist when it comes to taking photos and hundreds of "Wow's"). Fashion from abroad updates, I mean, it isn't every day you stumble upon markets of fine fabric and confident colours.


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