Book Review August

Ok, so it might be a couple days late but I've been trying to find the best book to sum up the summer and nothing can beat a travel book. A book filled with reference points, hotels, restaurants and perfectly categorised geographically.

Yes, I am talking about The New York Times 36 Hours, 150 Weekends in the USA and Canada. This edition of the popular travel bibles is perhaps my favourite. It's the American dream compressed between colourful cartoons and listed with the prices high to low...So it's the American dream for a careful, organised traveller.

Of course, I'm sure you're wondering what about this travel book is better than the rest? Why is this young woman so in love with a giant guidebook? Honestly, I'm not sure I can answer that. But something about this bible is the jam packed opportunities. 36 Hours is giving anyone who opens it the chance to escape, the chance to discover. The compelling aspect of this book is that it plans a weekend, hour by hour it directs activities but doesn't tie you down to a place; there are suggestions and basics for hotels and even restaurants recommendations. But none of that is set in stone; the book is so full of things to do you might start a day on one track and take a turn down another path at 2pm. It has life, emotion and passion...which I can admit from experience not many guidebooks have.

If I were stranded and lost in the USA I'd want this book; if I were to run away now and grab the first plane to Canada I'd work my way down to Mexico with this book. It appears in the modern era of iPhones and social media the size of a thumb nail that the essentials can still be relatively large and heavy books.
(Which if I were to critic like a real reviewer would be the only impracticality of this book...who has the space in their rucksack for this beast?)


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