Empire Records

Teenage sadness, love bites like hell and I just want to rebel. 

Cheesy, cliche and very teenage stereotype. But that phrase sums up the 1990's cult film Empire Records and more directly the emotion you feel from the soundtrack.

As mentioned in previous posts the fashion from this coming of age classic grips my attention; but it is the soundtrack I listen to on the morning bus, walking between classes and when I generally want to explode with emotion. It has love, loss, passion, grunge and just about every weird voice, tune and band name included that you could hope for.

Now, I'm no musical genius; technical terms fly over my head and a tune is a tune to me whether it has a different set of beats, different instruments involved or whatever. I'm just trying to express how my teenage years were aided by the teen staff of Empire Record store and their slightly alternative and phenomenally diverse music taste.

Think of it like a personal group of friends you have who made a mixtape for you. That's the kind of recall and memory you get from The Cranberries mellow Liar. In the songs you can imagine A.J bobbing his head hoping you love his choice and Corey hitting that killer dance move with her suggestive school girl skirt along to Edwyn Collins.
Perhaps the most teenage you might feel and the most rebellious song on the album, giving a throwback of throwbacks is Coyote Shivers (who also appears in the film) with Sugarhigh. It brings back that teen party feel, the 'I don't care' relationships and skanking in your room alone...OK, I'm not the only one to do that right?


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